The New Prague Area Historical Society aquired a beautiful artifiact to add to our display at the Centennial Log Cabin.
This butternut corner cupboard belonged to Joseph and Mary Broz Musil. Mary was the neice of Wenceslaus S. Broz who build and owned the Broz Hotel and sold furniture. Joseph ran the kitchen and Mary, a niece of Wenceslaus S. Broz, ran daily operations.
Joseph and Mary raised eight children in the hotel. The family had their living quarters in the southwest corner of the first and second floors. The cupboard originally was part of their living quarter furniture. Angie Musil Simon, a daughter of Joseph and Mary Musil, received the corner cupboard and had it in her possession until 1969 when she sold the cupboard to Emil Holub who in turn gave it to his daughter, Judy Holub Peterson. The cupboard moved with her to Alexandria, MN.

The former Broz Butternut Corner Cupboard was purchased through donations from NPAHS members.